Square #2 for my Monkey Quilt is now complete!
This little guy was also made using Sublime Stitching's "Monkey Love" pattern, like his older brother was. I tried something a little different with his face, which I'm not sure I'm happy with, but overall, I think he came out pretty well.
At this point, the plan is to make three more squares from the pattern, then pack the whole kit and caboodle down to SoCal to enlist the help of the best quilter I know, my Mama. She can do some seriously magical things with fabric, whereas I'm still using Stitch Witchery to hold together my projects!
(To be fair, she did sit down with me to help me sew not only my senior homecoming outfit, but some awesome school clothes when I was in high school. I was the one who went and forgot everything in college!)
I also finally scored the first bit of background fabric:
Before I started this project, I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to find yellow, cotton, monkey-themed fabric! So if anyone out there has come across some cute monkey or banana fabric, please send me the info!
On a side note, I've recently embarked on one of the more detailed embroidery projects I've attempted, made with a semi-original design. Hopefully, I'll have some pictures to share soon...it's coming right along! I also need to start working on my entry for the Craftster.org Fall Needlework Challenge, which I already have the pattern drawn up for. It's another quote cross stitch, and though not really geeky, I think it sums up what the season means to me pretty well!
I love them! And what's wrong with the monkey's face, anyway? I think he has a perfectly wonderful face, thankyouverymuch.
Also, the yellow monkey-and-watermelon fabric in the last picture is pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen. Oh, crap, there's strawberries on it, too. Too much! Too much cuteness! I can't handle it. The whole project is evil in its adorability. I... I have to look away.
Bwa ha ha! It's all part of my master plan, to take over the world with unbearable adorableness!!! I'm glad you've fallen under the spell...
BTW...finished New Moon...and sorry to say, I can't go on with 'em. Not gonna go all into it here, but jeezy creezy! If I were Bella's Papa, it would be Catholic boarding school for her! A school in a bright, sunny place, with bars on the windows.
those are so cute! you did a great job!
Yeah, I'll be the first to admit that the Twilight books are not, in reality, good books. They are addictive, though, for whatever reason, and I did really enjoy them. Especially the first one, though - I don't think you're missing too much if you stop reading them now.
Sometimes I just feel like reading trashy romantic stories about hot-and-heavy vampire love. Can you blame me?
I can't blame ya at all, Dana! I'll admit I was seriously hooked for a while ("Is it wrong to buy a Godiva bar because it has the Twilight cover design on it?"), and had to shake the spell hard. I think it was easier for me...I loved Jacob. ;) Poor kid.
Thank you Katie! I'm excited now that I have two squares...makes it a "real" project, y'know? ;)
how cute!! nice job!
Cute monkeys and great fabric you got. Looking forward to seeing this finished. I'm trying to stay focused and get something together for Craftster too, hopefully no more last minute mind-changes again! ;)
Thank you both! It's been a fun project so far :)
I'm looking forward to seeing what you're making for the Craftster challenge, Emily! Here's hoping I can get focused myself to contribute to the challenge!
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